FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
How Often Can I Have A Brazilian Wax?
The only thing about waxing is that you have to wait until your hair grows to a certain length (usually 1/4 inch). It depends on the individual, but usually anywhere between 4-6 weeks.
What Are The Possible Side Effects Of Waxing And How Can They Be Minimized?
Although we can not predict or guarantee who may react, most clients do not experience reactions beyond redness and minor irritation. Hair may break at the root during waxing, causing some hairs to grow out faster. Please follow these guidelines to minimize irritation and possible breakouts.
Treat skin gently afterwards – no sun exposure, abrasives or exfoliation for 24-48 hrs. on the area.
Wear sun screen; recently waxed areas are prone to hyperpigmentation (permanent darkening of the skin)
if exposed to the sun.
Avoid saunas, steam rooms, whirlpools and other heated sources for at least 48 hours.
Do not use exfoliating products (AHAs, scrubs, etc) and loofahs until at least 24 hours after waxing the area.
Regular exfoliation may be helpful for those prone to ingrown hairs on the body.
Routine waxing helps the skin get accustomed to the procedure and may minimize irritation.
Sunburned, irritated or thin skin areas should not be waxed.
What Areas Of The Body Can Be Waxed?
Waxing can be done on almost any part of the Body. A small area can be patch tested first for sensitivity. Most popular waxed areas for women are brazilian or bikini, legs, underarms and eyebrows. For men: chest and back.
If I Wax My Upper Lip, It Will Grow Back Thicker And Darker. Is This True
This is absolutely wrong! In fact, the hair will grow thinner. Pulling the hair from the root slows down the function of the pituitary gland, weakening the hair response. Upper lip waxing is needed every three to four weeks.
Why Should I Wax VS Shaving , Electrolysis , Or Laser?
If waxing is done consistently, hair grows back slower and finer. Shaving cuts the hair off at the skin and the quantity and thickness of the hair stays the same. Shaving can also increase skin sensitivity and create a higher probability for Ingrown hairs. Electrolysis or Laser hair removal doesn’t work for everyone and can be unpredictable and cost prohibitive.
My Client’s Brow And Upper Lip Are Inflamed And Very Red After Her Wax. What Happened?
It is very important to ask your each and every client who sits in your chair if he or she is using any retinols, have had a peel recently, are taking antibiotics or using Accutane. If they are, you CANNOT wax them. However, to make them happy, you can offer to tweeze only.
Suggest to use pure aloe vera or calendula to reduce redness.
Tell your client to take an anti-inflammatory for redness or an anti-histamine if they tend to get hives. For whiteheads, use a mild antibacterial wash
How To Prep The Skin Before Waxing?
Skin must be clean and free of all products before a wax. Waxed skin is sensitive skin, so you must ensure that your client knows you have followed proper protocol.
How Can I Avoid Ingrowing Hairs?
Ingrown hair often occur due to a build-up of dead skin at the surface of the skin. Regular exfoliation (around 3 times a week) and moisturising will help to prevent this from occurring. Also refrain from waxing too regularly in order to allow the hairs to grow through the skin.
How Long Does My Hair Need To Be Prior To Waxing?
Hair length must be approx. 1.5cm (1/4 inch). This will take approx. 2 weeks if transferring to waxing from another method of hair removal e.g. shaving.
How Do I Track My Order?
Currently you cannot track your order online. However if you write to us at customer_support@ezeecosmetics.com with your order number, we will give you the status for your order
What Areas Can One Have Waxed?
Waxing is one of the hair removal techniques that work well for most of the body parts if done with professional help and training
Following area are best suited for Waxing (in no particular order)
Chin (not recommended for male clients)
Sides of the face (not recommended for male clients)
Nape of the neck
Upper lip (not recommended for male clients)
½ leg
Full Leg
Bikini areas
Hands and fingers
Feet and Toes
Chest (for male clients)
Abdomen (unless Cesarean has been performed in the last 6 months)
Who Cannot Have Waxing Treatments?
It is advisable that a professional wax specialist get a consultation form filled with the client.
You should not receive a waxing treatment if any of the following apply to you:
Diabetes due to poorer healing following skin trauma
Contagious Conditions (e.g. Impetigo)
Infestations (e.g. head lice, scabies)
Hypersensitive skin
Scar Tissue (if less than 6 months old)
Less than 3 months pregnant
If you have any of the following please discuss with your therapist prior to the treatment
On the first day of menstruation – skin has much greater sensitivity
If you have very loose skin – greater risk of skin damage
If you are currently receiving electrolysis treatment in the same area- waxing distorts the hair follicle.
If you have been exposed to UV light within the last 24 hours, or any other heat stimuli prior to treatment
If you are using an acne cream or steroid cream on the area to be waxed. Creams that contain Accutane thin the skin.
Cuts/ bruises, broken skin or blisters in the area to be waxed
Large raised or hairy moles
Varicose veins
Sunburn, skin irritation, very sensitive skin
Eczema, Psoriasis, Cold Sores, Bacterial infections,
If you are taking antibiotics or have made a drastic change to your diet. Skin can be way more reactive if you are taking medication.
What Are The Benefits Of Waxing Compared To Other Methods Of Hair Removal?
Waxing is a form of depilation, along with depilatory cream and shavers. The use of depilatory creams and shavers leaves a blunt end to the hair and stubble will be visible within 24 hours.
A shadow is often present in clients with dark hair after use of such methods, but not after waxing. Waxing removes hair from the root/ follicle, similar to other methods like tweezing, threading and epilators. As many Professionals know these methods many times complement each other depending on the skin type and the area that needs hair removal
One key benefit is that waxing is the only hair removal that can be done on large areas of the body which includes removal of the hair from the root
When removed correctly the skin will remain hair free for up to 2 weeks. The hair that re-appears will have a tapered end and feel much softer to the touch.
Is Waxing Safe?
It is if done with help of a professional
What Are The Benefits Of Warm Waxing?
Waxing is the most effective method of temporary hair removal. The combination of heat and the skill of the therapist enable large areas of hair to be removed quickly from the root. These areas will then remain hair free for up to 2 weeks, and will require re-waxing in approximately 4 weeks after your initial appointment.
Who Do I Contact For Customer Care?
Please send an email to customer_support@ezeecosmetics.com
How To Order Waxes?
You can order our waxes by:
Going to our website: www.ezeecosmetics.com
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